Well having look underneath the other day. I decided to start chasing my oil gremlins that I've noticed developing on the pan. I could see that one grimlen was definitely leaking from the oil filter elbow, apparently that is pretty common on the xj's. Next time I'm near the stealership I'll have to pick up the oring kit to fix this grimlen. The next leak is definitely from the rear main seal. This one will be put off for the time being. It's not to bad and my past experience with this leak on my old red yj was that it seems to leak even if you change it. And now to the final and best of the grimlens, their was oil wetness along the front of the pan but never a drop over night. This was found through dumb luck that I happened to find the source. Along next to one of the pan bolts in the front was a small cut as if someone had stabbed a flat blade screw driver in it for fun. We'll happily I solved this one with a little jb weld.
Happy trails
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